Giving to Enhance the Adams Institute

Prof. Mike Johnson and Joshua Wade, 2019 Gini Adams Undergraduate Research Award winner

Graduate students from Berrie and Lunte research groups at 2017 Chemistry Alumni Symposium/10th Anniversary Celebration of Adams Institute
Priorities for Giving to the Adams Institute
Unrestricted Support of Institute Operations
Unrestricted contributions to the Institute will support faculty, research scientists, and graduate and undergraduate students involved in Institute research, and help to publicize their accomplishments. This type of flexible support is critically important for the future success of Institute programs
Undergraduate Research Awards
These funds will support four undergraduates in academic year or summer research. The analytical chemistry group has one of the strongest track records of involving undergraduates in research among our faculty. Input from our undergraduates indicates that these opportunities are clearly life changing experiences in the careers of young chemistry majors. Full summer support for an undergraduate researcher amounts to about $6,000.
Priorities for Giving to the Adams Institute
Leedy/Kuwana Bioanalytical Initiative Fund
Two Adams research group alumni, Drs. Donald W. Leedy and Theodore Kuwana, generously established this fund in 2017 to benefit the Adams Institute and the KU Chemistry Department. Initiatives include the Ralph N. Adams Lectureship, annual travel awards for graduate students conducting research in bioanalytical chemistry, and future Institute/department initiatives.
Ralph N. Adams Lectureship
The intent of this annual lectureship is to maintain cognizance of Dr. Adams's contributions as a scientist, mentor and humanitarian. The selected lecturer will be a prominent scientist in the field of bioanalytical chemistry, broadly defined, who can bring fresh research perspectives to the KU campus and whose research has been influenced by the research of Dr. Adams.
KUEA Contact
The KU Endowment Association (KUEA) is the contact organization for gifts to both the Ralph N. Adams Institute for Bioanalytical Chemistry and the Chemistry Department.
Dan Simon, KUEA College Development & Team Lead, is our contact person at the Endowment Association.

KU Chemistry Contact
If you would prefer to initially contact a member of the Department or Institute about a donation, we would be pleased to speak with you!
Dr. Robert Dunn, Professor and Chair
Department of Chemistry
Gray-Little Hall, Room 1140F
1567 Irving Hill Road
Lawrence, KS 66045

Adams Institute Contact
Susan Lunte, Director
Ralph N. Adams Distinguished Professor
Departments of Chemistry & Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Multidisciplinary Research Building, Room 220B
2030 Becker Drive
Lawrence, KS 66047