Representative Research Groups

Cindy Berrie Group
Research in our group has focused on the effect of nanoscale structure on 1) biomolecule adsorption, 2) friction and adhesion, and 3) electrical conductivity of organic molecules. In all of these cases, we are interested in designing model systems in which the nanoscale structural and chemical variations can be achieved.
Heather Desaire Group
Our research focuses on developing mass spectrometric methods for analyzing glycoproteins and small organic molecules (like pharmaceuticals and metabolites). This research has many different potential applications to human health, from identifying markers for diseases to identifying the potent form of hormone therapies.
Bob Dunn Group
The Dunn Group develops new chemical analysis methods using optical based approaches such as high-speed capillary electrophoresis, whispering gallery mode sensing, scanning resonator microscopy, near-field scanning optical microscopy, and single molecule detection and spectroscopy.
Meredith Hartley Group
Major efforts in our research group are dedicated to the study of lipids in the central nervous system (CNS), the pathophysiology of lipids in neurological disease, and the role of hormones in neurological disease.
Mike Johnson Group
The goal of our research program is the development and application of bioanalytical techniques capable of studying this signaling process. A wide array of techniques are employed, including fluorescence microscopy, flash photolysis of caged compounds, biochemical methods, and state-of-the-art electrochemical techniques that allow for the monitoring of biogenic molecules on physiologically relevant time scales.
Sue Lunte Group
Our research group is focused on the development of sensitive and selective analytical methods for the detection of peptides, amino acids, neurotransmitters, and drugs in biological fluids. Release, transport and metabolism of these substances can be investigated in vitro using a cell culture model or in vivo using microdialysis sampling.
Steven Soper Group
The major focus of our group is to generate new tools for discovery and medical diagnostics through the analysis of biological macromolecules including DNAs, RNAs and proteins. These tools cover a diverse range of activities, such as the generation of new reagents, novel assays and methodologies, and hardware innovations across various length scales (millimeter to nanometer).
David Weis Group
Our lab uses the amide H/D exchange labeling technique combined with mass spectrometry to probe the conformation and dynamics of proteins and protein complexes. We apply these techniques to better understand intrinsically disordered proteins and aggregation in therapeutic proteins.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Engineering
Jeff Krise Group
The Krise laboratory seeks to understand how drugs distribute and localize within human cells and how this influences their therapeutic activity and pharmacokinetic distribution properties. Recent studies have focused on the intracellular distribution of amine-containing drugs and their propensity to become highly concentrated in acidic intracellular compartments such as lysosomes according to an ion trapping-type mechanism.
Karen Nordheden Group
Dr. Nordheden's research interests are in the areas of plasma conversion, plasma diagnostics, and microfabrication. Her laboratory's most recent project involves the plasma conversion of carbon dioxide to CO and O2.
Christian Schöneich Group
The Schöneich research group is focusing on the detection and characterization of covalent oxidative post-translational modifications of proteins in vivo and in vitro. We are interested in the mechanisms by which these oxidative modifications form in tissues and in pharmaceutical formulations, and their biological or pharmaceutical impact.
John Stobaugh Group
Dr. Stobaugh's research activities have focused on the use of liquid phase separation techniques in the development of methodologies for the determination of drugs and peptides in a biological matrices. Efforts are presently focused on extending the capabilities of commercial instrumentation by the fabrication and operation of a constant pressure chromatographic system termed an extreme-ultra-pressure-liquid chromatograph (XUPLC).